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In our already fully stocked kitchen, we have a second set of small appliances (hello, GF toaster!), pots and pans, bbq sheets and cooking utensils ready for you to prepare your own safe meals. We label and store our GF appliances and utensils separately in the owner’s storage area (under lock and key) and these are only brought out for our GF guests.  


*We ask our GF guests to respect our efforts to keep these appliances and utensils strictly GF. This way we can continue to provide a safe, GF environment for every guest that needs it.*


Gluten Free items for your use:


  • Toaster

  • Cutting board

  • Large and small pots

  • Collander

  • Cooking kitchen utensils

  • BBQ sheets

  • BBQ utensils


Upon request, in addition to the traditional fridge pre-stock that we can provide for an extra charge, we can also provide GF pantry items for your convenience. Some items are not always available and we will need advance notice for the best chances of securing your items.


Examples of some GF pantry items that may be available for pre-stocking:


  • Pancake mix

  • Pasta

  • Rice

  • Chickpeas

  • Crackers

  • Breads, hamburger/hotdog buns, baguettes

  • BBQ saucesoy sauce

  • Desserts




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